Our work is our passion


P a s s i o n , t h i s i s h o w i t a l l b e a g n


Ours is a family business, cultivating the land for generations; but just a few years ago passion moved us to dedicate ourselves to the cultivation of grapes and the production of wine.

amarone della valpolicella DOCG valpolicella bronzato

Amarone della Valpolicella

it grows on hilly land from grapes typical of the area, the best bunches are selected by hand, dried for a few months according to an ancient tradition and subsequently vinified, followed by a long aging in oak barrels.

Valpolicella Ripasso Doc Bronzato

Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore

This wine is made on hilly terrain, from picked up grapes typical of the area. The wine produced is then refermented on the pomace of the dried Amarone grapes, followed by aging in oak barrels.


Valpolicella Superiore

This wine is produced from typical grapes of the area, namely Corvina, Corvinone and Rondinella, strictly picked up on hilly terrain. Fermentation lasts about two weeks, followed by aging in steel containers.


First of all, the wine must be good

This was our initial approach to organic wine production.
Everything stems from the awareness that the vineyards are located in an “intrinsically healthy” environment


E n v i r o n m e n t a l w a r e n e s s


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